Monday 30 March 2015

Term one reflection

Now that term one is nearly over (4 days to go) and so Miss Cooper has made a new reflection for the end of term.

1. What did you enjoy most in the term? Why?
I enjoyed EOTC Week the most this term because I have been so excited for it and it finally came!!!!!

2. What did you enjoy doing most in the classroom? Why?
I really enjoyed the art in class because I am really arty and my Mum is an artist so we sometimes do some art lessons together. 

3. What have you found hard in your learning this term? Explain.
I found it hard when Jax and I had to do a test for maths because it was something like AAC+BBC=?

4. What are you most pleased with in your learning? Why?
I am most pleased with the writing I have been doing because my Mum is telling me that I am improving with my writing and I think so too.

5. Tell us one thing you would like to learn about in Term 2.
I would like to learn how to do that AAC+BBC=?

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