Tuesday 24 March 2015

News Article, Your Dog Can Tell You If You Are Happy Or Angry!!!

For reading we have an activity to go on Dogo News and we have to write about it on our blog. So here it is.

Recently, researchers from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria have some evidence that dogs can tell you if your happy or not. Corin Müller and his team chose some dogs to test. Some of them were Borin Collies, a Fox Terrier and a Sheltie. They started to show the dogs some photos of women and they were either happy or sad.  Half of the dogs were given or rewarded by touching the screen and then shown a happy face. The other half were rewarded with a angry face.
Some dogs got half a face and that was what surprised me the most. Researchers were trying to teach dogs to recognize little bits of our body to know what we feel like. Researchers also found that they do not like angry faces and so they back off much faster. In the end the dogs figured out they were getting rewarded and so liked to play the 'computer game' and the researchers had trouble getting the dogs away once the study had finished. When the dogs were trained and had gotten used to it, the people started to test the dogs in different ways. One of the different ways was to give the dogs different faces and the dogs even then got them right! This evidence shows that dogs can not only know the expressions of people\things that they already know, but can also tell the facial expressions of people\things they have NEVER seen before.
Here is the link to the article:http://www.dogonews.com/2015/3/7/surprise-your-dog-can-tell-if-you-are-happy-or-angry

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