Friday 6 March 2015

My reading goal.

Hey, these days we are making our goals for every subject. Here are my reading goals.

I am learning to expand my vocab. That means to learn new words and use them in our writing. 
I can tune in to interesting words and use them in my speaking and writing. Otherwise we would have words stuck in us and never use them and our writing would have words in them like big and nice. That would be really BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! Share what you think down below in the commenting box.

1 comment:

  1. All right. You ask for what I think, Hannah. To me that sounds like a good goal to work towards, because that way our language keeps developing and growing and being used in lots of different ways! I very much look forward to hearing and seeing you use your newly acquired vocabulary! Keep checking the dictionary if you read your book and you are unfamiliar or unsure about the meaning of a word that the author uses. Also, perhaps you can be really playful and decide to work on developing new words!! Just think Pippi Longstocking! "Spunk!"
