Thursday 19 March 2015

My Key Competency goal

We did topic a few days ago and I have made my managing self goal.

I will try to make my writing tidier because I have a feeling that I have a bit messier handwriting.

My other managing self aim is to Lead and Follow. Somtimes when I am in a group I can be a little bossy but I can also hide and only do something when someone tells me to do something.

1 comment:

  1. Those are really good goals to strive towards Hannah. For the first one, neater writing would be so good and would make it easier for other people to read what you have written. But close to that is also precision and more precise working habits. Think of how irritating it is when you mistype on the keyboard or when you have got a wrong maths answer because of non precise or untidy writing.
    For your second goal. That sounds great! It is important to be able to lead and say what you think but always with respect, integrity and whenever possible patience for everyone involved. Listen to each other and convince with the right arguments! Great work. Have you also thought about how you can measure whether you have reached your goals? Think about your success criteria.
