Saturday 7 March 2015

This is so exciting!!!!!!!!! Week 5-6

It is two nights before our first day of EOTC and I am really excited. The final countdown! BUT you can't forget that this is the BEST weekend ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I have played my cricket match and we won 103-57! Tomorrow I go to a party at Extreme trampoline. And then finally on Monday it is the first EOTC Day at Rangitoto with my Mum as one of the parent helpers. YAY! Then I still have the whole entire week to enjoy the EOTC Days! This is going to be the best week ever.
Here is a list about what I can't wait to learn and do.
Facts about mountains, volcanoes and the workings of the earth crust.(Rangitoto)
About everyday marae life.(Orakei Marae)
To play interesting, fun and new games when Youth Town comes to our school.
At our school we have Garden To Table (GTT) and we will be making homemade lemonade and something like cookies\shortbread.
At the end of this memorable week we will be delivering our baking and cooking to the community, before going to the pool and finish the whole week off with a splash! 

What about YOUR week and weekend? If you want to share, comment here below!


  1. Wow, Hannah, it sounds like you have such an exciting weekend and week ahead.

    I am sadly sitting at home working on my assignments for university for most of the weekend but it is so nice to see that you have a fun eventful weekend. I hope the party with Extreme Trampoline is a lot of fun - be safe.

    What am I looking forward to during EOTC week??? I am quite excited about going to Rangitoto as I have lived in Auckland for 11 years now and this will be my first time going there. I wonder if you could find out some information and think about your prior knowledge about mountains, volcanoes and the workings of the Earth's crust - then you can share this with us on Monday.

    I am also looking forward to going to the marae and delivering our baked goods to people from our community. I like that we are meeting with those people around us who we don't see everyday but we still have connections with - it fits so well with our topic of Whanaungatanga.

    Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

    1. Hello Miss Cooper!
      I am feeling a little sorry for you and other teachers in general that you have to do all these assignments and I get to play cricket and go to parties. That is the awesome thing about being a child!!!! When I was younger I went with Stella, Mum and Dad to Rangitoto on January 2010. That is when I was nearly 4 years old, so I do not remember much. Don't feel that you are the only one that has not been there or doesn't remember anything when going there. I am looking forward to basically everything about EOTC Week.
      I will try to be safe at Extreme trampoline because now you have said it and my Mum has said it.I have two little questions for you.
      1. What are we going to bake at GTT?
      2. Are we going to be racing in the pool or can it be for playing in?
      Have a lovely rest of the weekend and try to get some time off the assignments. Take care of you too!!!!

    2. Thank you for the lovely reply, Hannah! I hope you have had a great party and are all ready for tomorrow.

      The sun is shining outside and I feel like I might get my work done in the next two hours, then I can have a little break and start thinking about all that walking tomorrow.

      It must have been quite hard walking up Rangitoto when you were 4 years old. That is very impressive. I'm glad that I will get to make my first memories of Rangitoto with Room 32.

      As for Garden to Table, I believe we will spend some of the time doing gardening followed by making biscuits. We will also need to design the boxes that we will deliver our biscuits in.

      As for the pools, there will be life safety classes as we talked about. Some students will get some free time to have some fun and just enjoy for a while and then we will do a swap. I don't think we will be racing or anything - we will just be learning and having some fun. It will be such a nice way to end our week.

  2. I am glad you are looking forward to EOTC week. It sounds like a lot of fun to me. Hopefully you will be learning a few things to this week as it is LEARNING outside the classroom :) I am looking forward to hearing your stories next week.

  3. Well, hearing our stories, it was GREAT.
    Youthtown was my favourite. I liked visiting the retirement village and seeing everyone too. They were really nice. It was great when we shared our food and danced to the music. It was so fun playing musical statues and making them laugh and of course the pools it was such a nice way to end our week.
