Friday 3 April 2015

Holiday bingo Something fun in the holidays

Yippee!! Holidays!! Easter holidays!!! And you know what that means? CHOCOLATE!!!!! And of course newly grown FEIJOAS!!!! Can't forget about the bunnies! Miss Cooper has given us some fun homework for the holidays, but we don't have to do it. I know we don't have to do it, but I am motivated and encouraged to do so because I love homework. Here is the first activity. Write about something fun you did in the holidays.

When I got home, I quickly, but carefully jumped out of the car, because my Mum had to go buy some stuff at the super market before they would close for Easter! I sat down and played the piano as best I could until my Mum came home and the monstrous garage door creaked open, to let in our trust worthy metal pet Miranda (A.K.A our car). Then the excitement started. For our hard work in term one my Mum made a lolly shop right in the middle of our kitchen!!!!!!!!!! Just before we entered my Mum gave us each two dollars and we picked up a basket each. Then we started choosing our lollies. It was impossibly hard, because the sweets kept looking or staring and winking at me. The marshmallows looked as squishy and bouncy as a trampoline! The sour snakes hissed like a hot frying pan at me when I walked past. The Mega Orange Chocolate balls looked as round as black and white soccer balls. The freshness of the mints were like icy cold mountain snow and the Mentos were as fruity as the tropical islands around the globe. The frogs hopped around in their glass cage like bouncy castle maniacs. On the list you cannot forget the creamy caramel ovals like the Olympic running track. Or would I choose to spend my money on buying some delicious chocolate stepping stones for the garden? Another one of the options was the fireworks shaped as white chocolate squares and tasting like creamy lemon curd. In the end I was the only one that took one of Mrs Masters chicken's eggs that were lovely brown and sweet on the outside! Finally I had only ten cents left and I chose a delicious yellow tropical pineapple lump and it was deliciously chewy!!!
Did that give you and idea of something fun I did in the holidays?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Hannah, I have really enjoyed reading your holiday posts - they are almost tempting me to write some of my own.

    I enjoyed reading about this lovely activity that you and your family have done. What a great idea! Who came up with this? Mum?

    I like how you talk about the sweets staring and winking at you - do you know what kind of language feature that is? I also like how you have made use of similes throughout this post, that adds so much effect and some of your similes actually made me laugh.

    I wonder if you could think of adding some metaphors in here as well, this would be a great next step. It would also be great if you could think of how you could break that giant paragraph as it can get hard to read.

    PS: One of my friends actually read this and asked what happened to the rest of the lollies? Are they kept away until the next time you shop?

    I hope you are having a great holiday!
