Sunday 12 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: Journal - Final day of the three days

Dear Jottery Chimp,
How was your day today? Mine was great! I had a really deep sleep and slept in quite long. During breakfast my Mum made us some water with a lolly in it and she put chocolate in mine. I took till lunch with this amazing drink. After breakfast I did some mathletics and my parents taught me some new stuff. Once I had finished my maths I did some of my bingo activities and after that we ate a salad for lunch. When we finished lunch my Mum sat next to me for my piano practice. Then we went to the library as a family, but I was most looking forward to the hockey practice that my Dad and I did afterwards. As my Mum and sister went home with the car my Dad and I had to walk home when we had finished. After that when we got home, we ate dinner and then watched the news. Finally we went to bed. Bye! Sleep well!!!!

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