Tuesday 28 April 2015

Cricket Prizegiving

"Yippee cricket prize giving!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed. I always love cricket prize giving.

For some reason, I was an excited jumping bean to see my friends again. Then my sister and I checked if there was a MR Whippy; guess what? There was! My Dad bought our ice - creams for us and we licked, gobbled and enjoyed them as much as we could. Sadly, I didn't really like the ice - cream because it was only whipped cream with chopped nuts and a watery, drippy caramel sauce. After I had finished my food, I was as warm as when I am cosily tucked into bed. I quickly followed my team mates up the stairs to the actual prize giving.

In the end we sat at the back, but I didn't really care. BOOM!!!!! "Huh?"I was so extremely shocked, that I even jumped in my seat; at least nobody saw me! Should I tell you what that big boom was? Alright, I will. It was a  'boom' from the microphone. We had to listen to 2 - 3 speeches; I started to get a little bored.

Finally, one of the people talking said that it was time for  the prizes. The hope started bubbling up in me like I was a volcano. Sadly, there were only four prizes and two of them had already been given out. Now the volcano inside me was bursting out lava and crashing ash onto the ground. Suddenly, I heard somebody saying "Hannah N" and it was as if I had springs on my shoes. My prize was a trophy for bowling. "Yay!" I repeated over and over in my head.

"Time for the raffle!" I clenched my fist around my ticket. Numbers flew by in my head, but I couldn't keep track or control. Bottles, gift cards  and everything got handed out. I was a lonely puppy and received absolutely nothing. Eventually everybody started leaving so I jumped in our car and we drove home.

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