Sunday 5 April 2015

Holiday Bingo Homework: A-Z Chanel

The third activity of the holiday bingo write an A-Z paragraph about a friend. Here is mine!

My friends name is Chanel and she is Awesome! I seem to remember that my mum taught Chanel one day and that is how we got to be Best friends. I played Cricket and enthused Chanel. Now we have been in each other's cricket team for two years! Chanel is very Dancy, because when I see her at lunch time many times she will be making up a dance. Chanel is very Elegant and polite too, wherever she is she uses her manners. Chanel is quite a Fashionista combining that with her dance and extending herself, she is Great! When someone smiles at her, my friend smiles back and that shows that this fashionista is Happy. Chanel is Intelligent, and Jazzy would describe her kind of dance moves. Kindhearted is the word that would explain best that this girl is filled with kindness in her heart. Lots of times when I come over, we make Lolly cake together, that has kind of become a tradition now. Chanel goes to Meadowbank primary and lives in NZ. Her family is very open minded to going Out On holidays so travel a lot!!!! I think Chanel is peaceful when she is tired and when the awesome girl is peaceful she is mostly also Quiet. As we look back to elegant and polite, the letter R comes along with R-E-S-P-E-C-T-F-U-L!!!!! Sporty walks along with us and another friend comes by and that is Stinky as in her teddy from Rotorua. Think, Think, Think! Chanel is a thinker girl and to that belongs Thoughtful. Everyone is Unique and that includes my friend. When this thoughtful meadowbanker gets the citizenship cup one of the first words to describe her is Very helpful. Chanel is always Wonderful. This intelligent girl is definitely X-traordinary in every way. Whenever I go to Chanel's house, I smell all the Yummy food in the kitchen. Chanel can be Zany and Zealous especially with me when we have sleepovers!!!

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