Saturday 11 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: Enterprise - Shower cap and five pegs

What could you make using only a shower cap and five clothes line pegs? With all our imagination we came up with these ideas.

1. A mini parachute for a light teddy or doll
2. A protective waterproof case for a phone
3. A little bag or even a purse
4. A plastic plant pot for a small plant or for growing seeds                      
5. And obviously a peg basket
6. A piping bag for decorating cupcakes or cookies and doughnuts
7. A tent for a teddy, puppet or doll
8. A basket to carry water or a jug
9. A plastic woven rug for in a toys house
10. A very cute wooden peg puppet
11. A sieve for pasta or vegetables
12. A balloon
13. A skirt for a doll
14. An emergency pressure bandage
Do you have any more ideas?

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