Wednesday 15 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: persuasive letter - Art + Science

Dear Miss Cooper,

May we pretty pretty please do more science and art next term! It can be in any shape or form! For science we can learn about the ancient times, physics, Earth, Astronomy, Life, Chemistry. We can do this in or outside  RM 32. When I say art I mean things like sewing, Visual Arts like: drawing, collage, printing, painting, or Performance art like drama or dance. We could do this in Term two in a certain block on Thursday or Friday. If our class agrees to do this we can possibly do it in groups of five and do research on new materials and do a rotation of science and art. We would be able to do this because it will improve our creativeness. We can also sell some of our art for our topic - Enterprise. It can be an incentive for our other work to accomplish so that we can do art or science after. We could also link our Reading, Writing and Maths to the art and science. Miss Cooper, can we please have more art and science lessons in term two? Art in various ways improves our creativeness in general and it can help us improve in other educational areas too. We could research new techniques and materials and organise ourselves. We could rotate over 10-11 weeks. We could make things and use it for our Enterprise.
I'm looking forward to your reply,

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