Thursday 30 April 2015

ANZAC day poem

My ANZAC day poem!
is for Australia NZ Army Corps
N is for NZ and Australia joined the war
Z is for zero silence in the air
A is for a war we will never forget
C is for courtesy is ignored in lots of wars

By Hannah

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Cricket Prizegiving

"Yippee cricket prize giving!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed. I always love cricket prize giving.

For some reason, I was an excited jumping bean to see my friends again. Then my sister and I checked if there was a MR Whippy; guess what? There was! My Dad bought our ice - creams for us and we licked, gobbled and enjoyed them as much as we could. Sadly, I didn't really like the ice - cream because it was only whipped cream with chopped nuts and a watery, drippy caramel sauce. After I had finished my food, I was as warm as when I am cosily tucked into bed. I quickly followed my team mates up the stairs to the actual prize giving.

In the end we sat at the back, but I didn't really care. BOOM!!!!! "Huh?"I was so extremely shocked, that I even jumped in my seat; at least nobody saw me! Should I tell you what that big boom was? Alright, I will. It was a  'boom' from the microphone. We had to listen to 2 - 3 speeches; I started to get a little bored.

Finally, one of the people talking said that it was time for  the prizes. The hope started bubbling up in me like I was a volcano. Sadly, there were only four prizes and two of them had already been given out. Now the volcano inside me was bursting out lava and crashing ash onto the ground. Suddenly, I heard somebody saying "Hannah N" and it was as if I had springs on my shoes. My prize was a trophy for bowling. "Yay!" I repeated over and over in my head.

"Time for the raffle!" I clenched my fist around my ticket. Numbers flew by in my head, but I couldn't keep track or control. Bottles, gift cards  and everything got handed out. I was a lonely puppy and received absolutely nothing. Eventually everybody started leaving so I jumped in our car and we drove home.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: persuasive letter - Art + Science

Dear Miss Cooper,

May we pretty pretty please do more science and art next term! It can be in any shape or form! For science we can learn about the ancient times, physics, Earth, Astronomy, Life, Chemistry. We can do this in or outside  RM 32. When I say art I mean things like sewing, Visual Arts like: drawing, collage, printing, painting, or Performance art like drama or dance. We could do this in Term two in a certain block on Thursday or Friday. If our class agrees to do this we can possibly do it in groups of five and do research on new materials and do a rotation of science and art. We would be able to do this because it will improve our creativeness. We can also sell some of our art for our topic - Enterprise. It can be an incentive for our other work to accomplish so that we can do art or science after. We could also link our Reading, Writing and Maths to the art and science. Miss Cooper, can we please have more art and science lessons in term two? Art in various ways improves our creativeness in general and it can help us improve in other educational areas too. We could research new techniques and materials and organise ourselves. We could rotate over 10-11 weeks. We could make things and use it for our Enterprise.
I'm looking forward to your reply,

Holiday Bingo: Reading Goal

Hello guys! My second to last holiday bingo activity is to Work on my reading goal this holiday and then post how I did that on my blog. Here is how I practiced mine.

My reading goal is to expand and improve my vocabulary. I have been practicing this in the Easter holidays. I've been reading everywhere these holidays! E.G. At home, in the car and at the Motel. You can't forget that I have also been read to. Well, why would I want to practice something in the holidays when I am not even at school? The reason is that I do not want to forget my reading goal. Another reason is that I want to learn new words and vocab, but not only for reading books! I also need to learn new words to improve in my writing. My family include themselves in my reading goal.(They help me with it). For instance, when we are reading a book together they ask what a word means and then they tell me the right answer afterwards. When I am writing a blog post I will bring the dictionary with me to the computer and then when my Mum helps me, I look words up in the dictionary so that I understand what she says. When my family is watching TV and I don't understand what a word means I ask my parents what it means.
Does this explanation give you more information on what and how I practice my reading goal?

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: News Report - Lolly Shop

Here is a presentation about something I did in the holidays. Mine is about the lolly shop. I hope you
like it!!!

Holiday Bingo: DogoNews - Cows have playlists!!!!!!!

Back at school we had a reading menu and we could choose what activity we wanted to do. One of the activities is to go onto DogoNews and find an article. Then we have to find out who, what, when, how and why they did research on that news article. This is also on our holiday bingo. I am doing mine and it is about that cows have favourite music lists too!!

Who: Cows, Researchers - University of Leicester, England.

What: Music has the power to comfort us and help cows to produce 3% more milk.

When: In 2001 researchers tested and discovered that different genres of music help to make more milk.

Where: University of Leicester, England.

Why: To find out more about the influence of certain types of music on the milk production of cows.

How: By milking cows that listen to different genres of music or after they have listened to that music.

Conclusion: Shakespearean Comedy helps to relax cows and they produce more milk!

Here is the link:


Sunday 12 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: Journal - Final day of the three days

Dear Jottery Chimp,
How was your day today? Mine was great! I had a really deep sleep and slept in quite long. During breakfast my Mum made us some water with a lolly in it and she put chocolate in mine. I took till lunch with this amazing drink. After breakfast I did some mathletics and my parents taught me some new stuff. Once I had finished my maths I did some of my bingo activities and after that we ate a salad for lunch. When we finished lunch my Mum sat next to me for my piano practice. Then we went to the library as a family, but I was most looking forward to the hockey practice that my Dad and I did afterwards. As my Mum and sister went home with the car my Dad and I had to walk home when we had finished. After that when we got home, we ate dinner and then watched the news. Finally we went to bed. Bye! Sleep well!!!!

Holiday Bingo: Other people's blogs - Howick Primary school

For another one of our bingo activities, we have to go onto another students blog that is not from our class. I have been onto a blog from Howick Primary school - RM 2. Here is the link.

My Dad and I searched really hard for a blog and we finally found one. The reason I like this blog is that they all let everyone write on this blog. They write lots of fun poems E.G.

K ittens came into our classroom.
I t's hard to get their claws off.
T hey all look different to each other.
T he kittens are always crowded by lots of people.
E veryone wants a touch of their fluffy fur.
N obody can separate the kittens from me.
S uch cute kittens.
By Stacey

These children also talk about other students. When they do this they relate to other people's cultures such as the Korean group. Just like us, they had swimming lessons including life jackets. When school had just started this year, they did an activity to introduce themselves. Students did this by colouring in a boat made of paper. But before they did that they had to draft in their writing books and write six things about themselves. In the end they published their boats on their school logo.
I can't wait till I can keep on looking at other people's bogs. They're so interesting!!!

Saturday 11 April 2015

Holiday bingo: Art piece - Stranded boat on hill

In some of my older posts I have told you that I have been to the Acacia Lodge Motel. On the way there I saw a stranded, rusty, old and disgusting, but very pretty and cute boat on a hill. I looked out the front of the car and, as crazy as a talking octopus, there was no sea and absolutely no water. Could there have been water on the sides of the car? I thought to myself, but still no water. My last question I had in my mind was if there was any water behind the car and...... this is what crazed me the most.................... There was NO water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have some ideas of how this funny little boat could have gotten there.
1. There could have been a person that has died over the years
2. There could have been a couple or one person that had moved over the years
3. There could have been a terrible storm and so from the closest bay or beach it could have been tugged along
4. Another way it could have gotten there is that a person could have had a boat at the back of their car and then maybe they ran out of petrol and had to leave their boat there.
Do you kind of get an idea of what it looked like?

Holiday Bingo: Enterprise - Shower cap and five pegs

What could you make using only a shower cap and five clothes line pegs? With all our imagination we came up with these ideas.

1. A mini parachute for a light teddy or doll
2. A protective waterproof case for a phone
3. A little bag or even a purse
4. A plastic plant pot for a small plant or for growing seeds                      
5. And obviously a peg basket
6. A piping bag for decorating cupcakes or cookies and doughnuts
7. A tent for a teddy, puppet or doll
8. A basket to carry water or a jug
9. A plastic woven rug for in a toys house
10. A very cute wooden peg puppet
11. A sieve for pasta or vegetables
12. A balloon
13. A skirt for a doll
14. An emergency pressure bandage
Do you have any more ideas?

Holiday Bingo: journal - Day two of the three days

Dear Jottery Chimp,
Today was really tiring and a little boring, but exciting too. We woke up, annoyingly we didn't have any breakfast and started packing the car straight away. Our little trip had come to an end. My family all tried to say bye to the salty swimming pool as we waited for my Grandmother to tell us where we were going to meet for our first stop. After our sad goodbye, we started to drive. Suddenly my Mum came up with a fun car game, where you have to count from one to 100 only using the numbers you see outside the car.
I've something to tell you that happened all too quickly. A rock/pebble whacked our windscreen. We had a big star shaped crack!
Finally we arrived at the Mahoe cheese shop and I told Grandma all about what had happened. After the cheese shop, my Dad bought some feijoas at a little stall with an honesty box. Sadly this stop went by all too quickly and we were on our way to Whangarei for a traditional, delicious and nourishing brunch at Serenity. I chose one of my favourites: Eggs Benedict with mushroom ragout, bacon and avocado! When we finished and our tummies were full we went to Smith & Smith for our car, but they couldn't fix it, it was too large for repair.
Next up was to come back to Auckland. In our car game we had made it to the number 120! Do you think you can beat our high score? Once we got home I posted some pieces of writing on my blog that I had drafted before. In the end I went to my very own cosy bed. What a tiring day.

Holiday Bingo: Journal - Day one of the three days

'Splash!' Dear Jottery Chimp,
Today was the best day ever!!!! It is the ninth of April and I just had a splash in the swimming pool. When we woke up we ate our colourful breakfast and then went to Kerikeri. Oh, and I'm in a Motel in Mangonui called Acacia Lodge Motel. We went into ten shops and one of the shops sold beads. Before I knew it my grandma had bought the one that stood out to me. It was a little red whale with tiny white and black eyes and I named her Rosa. I also found a blue starfish with white spots for Stella (my sister). Just before, we enjoyed a beautiful hot chocolate and half a dreamy melting moment. After all the shopping, we drove the scenic route to Matauri Bay and made a long stop to get some Indian takeaway. When my grandma was deciding on what granddad was going to have, my Dad and I went to take a photo of me at Coopers Beach!!! (I didn't know our teacher had her own beach)! Once we had all ordered we went back to the Motel. Man! It smelt good in the car. Finally we went home and dived into the swimming pool. What's going to happen tomorrow?

Holiday Bingo: Buddy writing- 4 times- silly stories

For this writing activity we sat down with 4 people at the table. Each person had a piece of paper. Everyone wrote one sentence and folded that sentence so that the next person couldn't see it. Then we passed all the papers clockwise and the next person wrote a sentence on the paper and folded it down, until we ran out of space on the pieces of paper.
Here are our four silly stories.

1. There once was an octopus in the swimming pool.
I love this holiday very much.
The amazing iced and sprinkled doughnut was life size and roamed through the lollipop trees of candy land.
"Starbucks" exclaimed Mum in an exhilarating tone of voice, before everyone else, she had ordered her favourite ten decision-step long one coffee order.
Once upon a time a girl called Elsemargien ate a worm and then burped!
Today we go to Kerikeri and I have to find a mailbox, that is not so easy as there are only a few.
The sneaky prowling cat watched the cow play his fiddle and jump over the moon.

2. The big blue beautiful balloons bobbed around with the baboons.
The little cute Tiger finally came home, carefully put one of his ginger paws through the cat-flap in search of some delicious smelling food waiting for him to sooth his adventurous ravenging growling tummy.
The bike looked as fiery as a fire.
I like doing family games and love it when we are all laughing.
The jelly bean rain drenched everyone and everything including the Fanta river, rainbow candyfloss clouds, lollipop trees and Easter egg bushes.
The children hesitantly entered the classroom, putting their holiday experiences on hold, eagerly readying themselves for an awesomely fun and action packed second school term.

3. The girls galliantly invited the two new visiting sibling sisters into the pool to play Marco Polo.
He looked cute and shy.
Granddad is swimming everyday too!
The sun streamed through the water, creating underwater patterns.
Marmalade cheekily chuckled and challenged Bebebeer to beat the boredom by jumping up and down the bed and playing a game of truth or dare.
That baby ate sunscreen all the time and always vomited it out again.
What will I wear today, a dress or trousers?
We fly to Europe in three days.

4. I woke up twice last night.
The creepy noise echoed through the room and kept ringing in my ears.
Everyone at the table laughed lovingly at the hilarious mix-up of words and actions.
The trees stand as high as the clouds but an adventurous boy called Ron went up one of them.
In the river I saw a man swimming and I thought he was drowning, but I was happy that it was a buoy and not a man at all.
The jaffa rock caused the gummy dinosaur to tumble into the bubbling boiling caramel volcano.
"Oooops!" exclaimed Mum, when she spotted "palm oil" as one of the ingredients on the list of the packet of biscuits that the family had used for one of their science experiments.

Holiday Bingo: Share a game or app you like playing- Elastics

What do you think this fun game is? You may think that this cool as game is shooting elastic bands or scrunchies at your annoying sibling, but it is not.

Elastics is a game with a piece of long, thick, wide and as bouncy as a tramp at Extreme Trampoline Elastic. You will also need three people and up to do it. If you have trouble with jumps and hops then this isn't the right thing for you. This is........ Bounce, Bounce, Bounce! Hop, Hop, Hop!

Why on earth would we do this if you only hop and jump? If we are going to start debating I have a few reasons. Number one is that it is as fun as a piggyback. My second reason is that it gives you exercise as nice as a kiss from a family member. Number three is that you get to spend time with your family or friends. Finally, this awesome game calms you down a lot!

But there's no place to do this fun as game so what should we do? I will give you some suggestions if I can get you some! You could do it at the park or at the beach as sandy as some hockey fields. I do it with my family in the back garden. If your going for a walk and need a break then you could do it on the footpath as safe as a piggyback on your parents or friends. Last of all you could even do it at school!!!!

This is all kind of coming out of the what section, but you play it with a long elastic band like a loom band that is 1000,000 times too big. You will also need three people or more to play this amazing game. As always you will need to jump and hop.

When to play? Here are some ideas for when you can play it.
Do it when you are bored. You could do it in the holidays or maybe at play dates. At lunchtime in school, perhaps even when you are waiting for lunch in the weekends!!!

Here are the instructions. You have a large elastic band and two people stand on either side. The elastic band has to be just above their feet or ankles. Someone starts hopping and jumping in the middle in a particular pattern and that person sings verses.

I like this game because you can challenge yourself with singing the whole song without making any mistakes or errors. Is this game grabbing your attention?

Holiday Bingo: If I could go anywhere in the world - Paris

If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Paris as beautiful as a princess.

But why would I go to a snail eating country? Well, because the Eiffel Tower stands as tall as the clouds hanging in the air. Another reason is, I absolutely love going to motels as cosy as a mouse hole! Why I would want to go there, is easy to explain. Besides the magnificent Eiffel Tower, I want to discover the museums. I can get bored of museums but they can be fun too. The museums are full of art (my Mum tells me). That's why I would love to go to Paris.

I would go to Paris when it is fully Summer, as hot as a red chilly pepper! It is Summer in France in August, so that's why I would have to go in August. It wouldn't be nice to get bored of a holiday so I think one week would be enough.

I would like to go there for an awesome tour and city walks in order to see and learn lots and lots about the city. My Mum has been to the Seine River and hearing about her walks besides it, makes it tempting for me. I love looking at the amazing sunsets as shimmery as a gem. As I have told you about the museums, I have a suggestion to go the Musee d'Orsay after visiting the Eiffel Tower (of course).

You have to get there somehow so I would go to the airport in the train, fly to Paris and take a taxi to my Motel.

To finish off, every country has traditional that you need to have enjoyed for at least once. I would eat absolutely NO slimy snails, but I would love to taste their treasured creamy cheeses. The baguettes are deliciously crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside to dip into some thick tomato soup.
Does that get you thinking?

Friday 10 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: Anzac Day

Now that it is nearly Anzac day, one of the bingo activities is to learn about Anzac day and show that in some kind of way.

What is Anzac Day? Good question! Well, Anzac day is a time when we remember and be thankful for the NZ and Australian soldiers who fought for our freedom in the two World Wars first and foremost but any war and peacekeeping mission thereafter. We remember not only soldiers by the way, animals too!

We celebrate Anzac day every year as solemnly as we are at a funeral. We remember these lives (people and animals) on the 25th of April. This year we remember that many soldiers landed, fought and died in Gallipoli, Turkey in 1915 so it was 100 years ago. But we shouldn't only remember the people that died in the wars, but also the people that survived and got wounded and still had to live with traumatisation.

It is very important to respect our freedom and to appreciate those who went to war and never came back or did come back in pain. We also need to remember to learn from the past by making sure we don't create major wars like this and cause new grief for those families who have sacrificed themselves.

Anzac stands for Australia NZ Army Corps so you can probably guess that only NZ and Australia celebrate Anzac Day! In other countries they have different days to remember their soldiers and to be thankful for their freedom. In the Netherlands for example, we remember and are sad for those who gave their lives for us on the 4th of May, on the 5th of May however, we are happy and celebrate our freedom. Anzac day is a National holiday. We go to dawn services to pray and talk about all the wars.

We also eat special crunchy Anzac biscuits as sweet as a toffee lolly. When we are in the dawn services we also learn about everything that happened in 1914-1915. We wear poppies to show our support of the soldiers because lots of people fell in the poppy fields in Flanders, Belgium.

Personally, I feel sad about Anzac Day because all these people's lives have been cut short and we have lost more of us people in the world.
How do you feel about Anzac Day?

Holiday Bingo: Another different 100 word story - Only one word sentences

Family. Walking. Forest. Wet. Dark. Spooky. Suddenly. Behind. Noises. Branches. Breaking. Screaming. Birds. Squawking. Girls. Falling. Parents. Shocked. Nervous. Scared. Eyes. Large. Smell. Foul. Heavy. Breathing. Panting. Rustling. Growling. Screams. Dark. Rain. Pelting. Down. Lightning. Thunder. Crashing. Soft. Moss. Calm. Comforting. Sleep. Sunrise. Warm. Tickling. Cheek. Eyes. Open. Kind. Hairy. Paws. Brown. Friendly. Eyes. Marshmallows. White. Pink. Squishy. Sugary. Soft. Breakfast. Mum. Dad. Asleep. Still. Wake up. Coffee. Meeting. Big. Cuddly. Monster Inc. Playful. Tickle. Game. Tag. Laughing. Giggling. Sprinting. Fluffy. Blue. Purple. Cheeky. Brave. Calm. Bed. Bouncy. Plump. Pillows. Comfortable. Blanket. Sleepy. Dreaming. Flying. Pigs. Candyland. Starry. Night. Awesome!!!

Holiday Bingo: 100 word story - Unfortunately Fortunately

Here is another one of my bingo activities. I have to use only 100 words and am not allowed to use more or less. I hope you like this funny story!!!

One day a family was watching the movie 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, II'. Unfortunately, the DVD shop had put the wrong disc in the case. Fortunately, they enjoyed the movie and chips so much that they hadn't realised. Unfortunately, this movie was for mature audiences, so the children had to leave the room. Fortunately, they found some leftover Easter chocolate and started playing a game involving chocolate. Unfortunately, the parents were enjoying their movie when the television switched to 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, II'. Fortunately, Barry, the strawberry, came alive and joined the fun chocolate party.

Monday 6 April 2015

Holiday Bingo: Acrostic poem Meadowbank

M is for Monday, the start of the week

E is for Education, loving to learn

A is for Awesome school to go to

D is for Discussion, helping our class to decide

O is for Objective, our learning goals are objectives

W is for Waiata we sing at Kapa Haka

B is for Beyond Green Gold, our school is environmentally aware!

A is for Amazing

N is for National, we sing our National Anthem

K is for Kahikatea, our school can stand tall

Holiday bingo: Share a hobby or sport - Judo

Hello guys! The next activity on my bingo is to share a hobby or sport and post it on my blog. I am going to talk to you about JUDO!! I bet that after reading this post you can't wait to come along and try out.

You might think that judo is kicking and karate chopping, but it surprisingly isn't. This non-kicking and karate chopping sport is actually a gentle and controlled fighting sport without weapons as dangerous as the World Wars.  

In nearly everything you do there are grades like school years, piano grades, swimming grades, and that includes judo too! In this amazing sport you tell/show what grade you are with the colour of the belt you wear. The reason that we have special belts is that the rest of the suit is white for everyone. Just before these Easter holidays I was graded and got my yellow belt (see the photo!). My sister now has a yellow belt with an orange slip. The colours of the full belts are: white to yellow to orange to green to blue to brown to black. When I say a slip, it means that there are other grade steps in between the full belts. E.g. yellow belt one orange slip, then yellow belt with two orange slips and then the orange belt. The slips are sewn onto the two ends of your belt. 

This interesting and challenging, which makes it impressive sport, is from Japan. We have to be able to count to ten in Japanese. We also have to know how to say teacher in Japanese. Last of all we have to be able to say the names of the break falls, hold downs, escapes and throws we are meant to do. Sensei is teacher in Japanese. The way our training goes is sensei, as serious as a herd of stomping elephants, teaches us different throws, as harmless as possible, and the students, as tired as sloths who just climbed up a tree and back down again, practice these throws together on the mat. We practice our hold downs, throws, turnovers, escapes and fights on the ground+ standing up. 

I have already been doing this fun sport for one and a half years! Stella and I do judo once a week at the ASB Stadium. Mum and Dad help us to practice at home for the gradings, so that we know the names of the throws like judokas need to.

To finish off this blog post I will tell you why we do this fantastic sport. Just like the Tongariro Crossing, we do this for our fitness and self-confidence. Another reason is for our balance and body control. Last of all we do this for growing power as amazing as anything.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Holiday Homework Bingo: Ramona and her Father

Hello! Are you enjoying your holidays? In this post I will show you a movie of one of my favourite books I have recently read. Please have a look at the video I have created and if you like it try to read the book. What do you think? Tell me about it in the comment box below!!!!!!

Holiday Bingo Homework: A-Z Chanel

The third activity of the holiday bingo write an A-Z paragraph about a friend. Here is mine!

My friends name is Chanel and she is Awesome! I seem to remember that my mum taught Chanel one day and that is how we got to be Best friends. I played Cricket and enthused Chanel. Now we have been in each other's cricket team for two years! Chanel is very Dancy, because when I see her at lunch time many times she will be making up a dance. Chanel is very Elegant and polite too, wherever she is she uses her manners. Chanel is quite a Fashionista combining that with her dance and extending herself, she is Great! When someone smiles at her, my friend smiles back and that shows that this fashionista is Happy. Chanel is Intelligent, and Jazzy would describe her kind of dance moves. Kindhearted is the word that would explain best that this girl is filled with kindness in her heart. Lots of times when I come over, we make Lolly cake together, that has kind of become a tradition now. Chanel goes to Meadowbank primary and lives in NZ. Her family is very open minded to going Out On holidays so travel a lot!!!! I think Chanel is peaceful when she is tired and when the awesome girl is peaceful she is mostly also Quiet. As we look back to elegant and polite, the letter R comes along with R-E-S-P-E-C-T-F-U-L!!!!! Sporty walks along with us and another friend comes by and that is Stinky as in her teddy from Rotorua. Think, Think, Think! Chanel is a thinker girl and to that belongs Thoughtful. Everyone is Unique and that includes my friend. When this thoughtful meadowbanker gets the citizenship cup one of the first words to describe her is Very helpful. Chanel is always Wonderful. This intelligent girl is definitely X-traordinary in every way. Whenever I go to Chanel's house, I smell all the Yummy food in the kitchen. Chanel can be Zany and Zealous especially with me when we have sleepovers!!!

Saturday 4 April 2015

Holiday Homework Bingo Tongariro

YooHoo!! I'm up here! Are any of you interested in my activity two of the holiday bingo? It is that you have to share one of your most treasured memories. Have any of you done a really long hike? Have any of you done the.................
TONGARIRO CROSSING? Well, I have and it is tiring. I can definitely tell you that! If you need a treat like the best thing in the world (to me at least), Dun Dun Dun... Chocolate, get it ready because you will be much too tired to go shopping afterwards.

When I did the Crossing, it was already January in the summer holidays 2015. We rented a bach and slept there as cozily as baby tigers for five days to make sure that one day would be the perfect weather for Stella and me to have a very good memory. The day we did it was the day after we arrived and we took the bus to the start, walked for six and a half hours and then took the bus back to our rented bach where we had happily like puppies been playing in the fresh green grass.

As I have already told you, it was January 2015 when we did the hike, but it was near the start of school so, I told a lot of people that I had done it. There were six and a half weeks of weeks of holidays and and we were there in week five. I estimate that the Tongariro Crossing is as long as at least 500 of the longest and largest snakes in the whole entire world! I think you can tell that it is on Mt Tongariro (be Peter Gossage). Here is a little fact. In the Battle of the Mountains, Tongariro finally gets Mt Pihanga and therefore is chief of all the mountains. If he is the husband of Pihanga then their children's names are Ruapehu and Ngaruhoe.

In case you don't know, the Tongariro Crossing is an one day hike and you travel past the as shiny as an Emerald ring Emerald lakes. The Emerald lakes are as stinky as a rotten banana although if I try to remember the stink could also have been from the place where Tongariro had exploded when I was in year three in 2013. I have just come up with another one. The explosion could also have been as stinky as a mouldy and rotten egg!!!!!!!!

Oh! I'm so sorry. I forgot to say who I did this with. I did it with my cheeky Dad, my lovely Mum, my sometimes annoying sister and my awesome self.

So, where were we? Oh yes, looking back at my plan, we were just about to start talking about why we did it. Well, one of the reasons is that we love sport like a bunch of cheetahs! Obviously, just for fun. Another reason is it is quite a fitness challenge, because it is so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious long! You can't forget that there is always a first, second and third in races, so here is my third reason. The nature is so entirely beautiful, like heaven, that it is another way to get you going! And finally the last of my reasons, it builds up our self confidence and resilience.

Well, of course you have some sort of feeling at the end. My feelings were as proud as a person that has just healed from breaking a leg. My second feeling was as exhausted as a marathon runner. I can recommend it for you because it is so entirely pretty and beautiful that it makes me want to do it again.

And for my final paragraph, you know that I said get some motivation, well I'll tell you what I had. Wait, should I or should I not? Fine, I will. I had one of those small pots of peanut butter and ended up having it for breakfast the next morning too!!! My sister, had a whole pack of gingernuts! My Mum and Dad just did it and had a delicious dinner afterwards. And after all that walking, get ready for a movie of War Horse. After that, tuck in bed and sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

Friday 3 April 2015

Holiday bingo Something fun in the holidays

Yippee!! Holidays!! Easter holidays!!! And you know what that means? CHOCOLATE!!!!! And of course newly grown FEIJOAS!!!! Can't forget about the bunnies! Miss Cooper has given us some fun homework for the holidays, but we don't have to do it. I know we don't have to do it, but I am motivated and encouraged to do so because I love homework. Here is the first activity. Write about something fun you did in the holidays.

When I got home, I quickly, but carefully jumped out of the car, because my Mum had to go buy some stuff at the super market before they would close for Easter! I sat down and played the piano as best I could until my Mum came home and the monstrous garage door creaked open, to let in our trust worthy metal pet Miranda (A.K.A our car). Then the excitement started. For our hard work in term one my Mum made a lolly shop right in the middle of our kitchen!!!!!!!!!! Just before we entered my Mum gave us each two dollars and we picked up a basket each. Then we started choosing our lollies. It was impossibly hard, because the sweets kept looking or staring and winking at me. The marshmallows looked as squishy and bouncy as a trampoline! The sour snakes hissed like a hot frying pan at me when I walked past. The Mega Orange Chocolate balls looked as round as black and white soccer balls. The freshness of the mints were like icy cold mountain snow and the Mentos were as fruity as the tropical islands around the globe. The frogs hopped around in their glass cage like bouncy castle maniacs. On the list you cannot forget the creamy caramel ovals like the Olympic running track. Or would I choose to spend my money on buying some delicious chocolate stepping stones for the garden? Another one of the options was the fireworks shaped as white chocolate squares and tasting like creamy lemon curd. In the end I was the only one that took one of Mrs Masters chicken's eggs that were lovely brown and sweet on the outside! Finally I had only ten cents left and I chose a delicious yellow tropical pineapple lump and it was deliciously chewy!!!
Did that give you and idea of something fun I did in the holidays?