Tuesday 1 September 2015

Science bubbling water

 This weeks homework is to take a photo of something relating to science and explain why it is science. These are my photos:

These photos both have something to do with science. When you turn on the gas, it will turn into a fire and the fire heats up the stove. If you put the pan on the stove, it will heat the bottom of the metal pan which then becomes really hot. The heat from the fire is passed through and on by the metal of the stove and the pan onto the water. So the captured energy of the gas is changed into heat energy of fire, which is given to the metal and finally heats up the water. If you keep the pan on the stove long enough, the water will come to a boil when it reaches 100 degrees Celsius. It will then begin to bubble a lot. The next step is evaporation-steam! This sort of energy transmission would not work (or not as well as) in pots made up from other materials like wood, or cork.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great example of Science. I like how you described the states of matter as well as the transfer of heat.
