Monday 14 September 2015

Seven Squiggle story

In a land called Sevenapery, there was a language called Sevenair!!!!

Dear diary,          8.2.2006

Today was the best seventh birthday ever!! I woke up at seven o'clock and read a book called: Seven is up. At eight o'clock my parents said sorry because they were meant to come at seven o'clock!! They were holding two presents but my sister Stella, brang five more presents which means I got seven presents! My party guests started arriving; there were seven of them. We played a game where you had to roll two dice and get the number seven. If you got it you would have to scream seven at the top of your voice! Next was time for my seventh birthday cake. We drank sevenade and and ate my double chocolate chip cake which had seven layers! All sevenths of the cake had been gobbled up. Eventually, all seven party guests had gone. I had to clean up all seven pairs of everything. Good night now! See you tomorrow.


  1. I really loved reading this story, which coincidentally I read at exactly seven minutes past half past twelve.
    It sounds like you really had the greatest seventh birthday ever! I hope your eight will be just as great.
    Of course, you get to sleep in longer :p
    Though, thinking on that...I doubt you will want to, too excited and ready to have the fun started.

  2. How embarrassing this is, Hannah, your story about your 7th birthday made me think you were younger than you actually are. I am soooooo sorry, especially considering that I WAS thinking ..."7? This can't be right", but then went ahead and wrote my comment as I did.
    So if I understand correctly you'll be able to sleep in until 10 o'clock and invite 10 friends this coming birthday?
    It will gradually get very, very busy on your birthday :) ...with lots and lots of presents :D
