Monday 7 September 2015

The white shoe

Have you ever gone for a walk in the forest? Well, last Saturday I went for a walk.. in a forest. It was a dark, gloomy and scary forest and it was full of chirping birds that eat the nice and juicy bugs crawling in the straight damp grass. My parents said that now that I am old enough, I will be allowed to go for stroll in the forest every third Saturday. I am so happy that I am allowed to have a before lunch walk in the woods.

One day, while my mum was preparing a toasty, my dad was mowing the lawn and my sister was at a party. I went for my little time of cruising in the woods, I saw something as bright as a massive fire burning right before my eyes. I was very excited and went to investigate. Walking slowly to the strange object, I started to get a little bit nervous. Once I had reached it I figured out that it was a brand new shoe. I instantly pulled my shoe off and shoved the new one on, tackling the tightness of the shoe but managing to pull it on.

Hours went by and I still wouldn't take the shoe off. Even disobeying my parents and getting no Masterchef wouldn't make me take that shoe off. Only at night I carefully took it off like a precious gem and used it as a teddy bear to calmly get to sleep. It was only then that I didn't know what special things that shoe contained.

So the next morning I woke up with the shoe still on. I was in a land full of Fanta rivers, Jaffa rocks, Gingerbread houses, Caramel glass, Lollipop trees, Smartie flowes, Rocky road paths, Mint grass and much much more!!!! I decided to go on a little walk to see where I was. On my way I found Chocolate bunnies, Cola horses, Fruit burst cows, Winegum flies and all the other animals you could think of in candy land. As the day went on I started to get tired and sat down to rest. This land was easy to get some free lunch and dinner so I ate, sat down to rest and fell asleep. No sooner or later I woke up in my bed, in my ordinary room but the shoe had disappeared and I was bare foot again.

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