Friday 15 May 2015

Science homework list

Last week it was primary science week and we have some homework related to that. We have to make a list and describe the processes of science we do in the daily life.
1. Boiling the kettle - heating and change of state
2. Morning dew - cooling off and change of state
3. Communication between people - sound waves, vibrations through air and your eardrum picks it up
4. Playing the piano - strings in the piano vibrate causing sound waves
5. Take off sweater and hair stands up - static electricity
6. Making a rhythm by striking glasses that are filled up with different amounts of liquid - different air columns causes different sound waves
7. Making ice cream - cooling off, change of state
8. Finding a cooler spot in the room - heating by the sun and shade is cooler because sun can't get there
9. Sun rays through crystal to make rainbows - light is broken in different directions and causes our eyes to see rainbows
10. Drawing silhouettes for art - block sun rays to create shadow of your body outline
11. Seeing a rainbow in the sky - refraction of sun rays
12. Using a mirror to do your hair in the morning - reflection of sunlight
13. Seeing yourself differently in a spoon - concave or convex surface distort images
14. Enjoying looking through a kaleidoscope - light bounces and reflects off objects and mirrors
15. Using a magnifying glass to read small letters - the convex glass bends light rays outward to make the image seem smaller
16. Playing with dominoes and making the tiles fall - potential energy and kinetic energy
17. Making popcorn - heating, change of state, water pressure causes kernel to pop!
18. Magnets on the refrigerator - magnetism
19. Turning mobile - heating causes air to expand or retract (not phone)
20. Worm farm - food scraps rot and get eaten by worms, life cycle, excretion used as fertilizer
21. Using the thermometer - heating, change of matter, expanding silvery liquid
22. Street lights - electricity turns into light and heat energy
23. Taking photos on your camera - use of electric energy via battery and light reflects through lens
24. Antennae on cars for a radio signal - waves through air
25. Solar panels on houses for the environment - earth sciences, sun energy trapped electric energy
26. Viscosity of liquids - water is less viscose than golden syrup, food technology
27. Judo as a sport - forces, gravity
28. Swimming as a sport - water pressure, movement through water, food turned into energy
30. Using the phone to contact - electric energy into waves through air
31. Watching TV - electric energy into light and heat
32. Flying in an aircraft or a bird - aerodynamics, earth sciences
33. Is glass a liquid or solid - state of matter, viscosity
34. The intercom at school - electric energy into sound waves
35. A clock to know the time - movement of wheels, batteries, electric energy
36. The rain radar - sonar waves to detect water molecules in the air
37. Growing plants, fruit, vegetables - life cycle, earth sciences
38. Cookies - baking, change of state through heat and force, food technology
39. Coffee - dissolving granules in water
40. Baking powder - raising agent, change of state, food technology
41. Kitchen machine - electric energy into moving energy
42. Tap - water pressure
43. Driving a car - potential, kinetic energy, petrol into movement
44. Biking - potential, kinetic energy
45. Falling glass - gravity, change of state
46. Light bulb - electricity, light and heat energy
47. Dishwasher - electricity, water pressure
48. Washing hands with soap - dissolves dirt, no bacterial growth
49. Computer - electric energy, heat and light
50. Fan - electric energy, air flow
51. Heater - electric energy, warmth
52. Washing machine - electric, water pressure, soap, cleaning powder
53.  Gas top cooking - gas, heat, light energy
54. Sunrise - earth science
55. Moon and planets, when walking from swimming at night - astronomy
56. Radio - sound waves, electric energy
57. Mt Wellington - earth science, volcano
58. Oven - electric energy, heat, changed matter
59. Drinking water - physical human sciences
60. Taking care of a pet - zoology
61. Cleaning teeth - human sciences
62. Opened jar of tomato sauce - fungal surface, bacterial growth
63. To open a jar of tomato sauce - energy, pressure
64. Trampoline - gravity\pulling, force, energy
65. Waiwera visit - geo thermal activity, heat
66. Bird eats worm - earth sciences, life cycle
67. Marble track - gravity
68. Ice cubes - change of state
69. Pedal on piano - changing sound waves
70. Breaking of cookies - food technology
71. Butter out of cream - food technology
72. Cottage cheese - food technology
73. Yoghurt making - food technology
74. Seasons changing - earth sciences
75. Coffee machine - electric energy, water pressure, heat
76. Using a fire to light up a candle - fuel like wood or wax changed into heat and light energy
77. Eating from the BBQ - change of coal into heat and light energy
78. Sporting on a rowing machine - food fuel into force and energy into movement of the machine
79. Futuristic T- Shirt materials - science of synthetic materials
80. Flushing the toilet - using force to press button to release water pressure
81. Baking edible volcanic rock - three recipes to make symbolic rock cycles types in the kitchen: igneous rock, sedimentary and metamorphic
82. Making a smoothie - use ice blocks and fresh fruit juice to make a thick smoothie, change of state
83. Exploding chocolate, Marvelous creations - pieces of lolly that react with liquid and air
84. Communicating with two cans and a string - vibrations, sound waves
85. Using a hairdryer in the morning - electric energy turned into heat energy and creating air flow
86. Playing in the bathtub with equipment, some sink, but  some don't - matter, physics, natural world
87. Leaving fingerprints on the windows - human science, every person's fingerprint is unique             Fact: If you are fingerprinting on paper, charcoal is the best thing to use.
88. Dying eggs for Easter and using food juice for it - beetroot, raspberry, onion, coffee, pigments (carotenoids and anthocyanins) give flowers or other things colour
89. Making your own paper - recycling, change of state from plant material to paper, dissolving paper materials and drying them out again
90. Having a wind catcher on your bike - air flow, aerodynamics
91. Making a tornado in a bottle of water - force of water, water pressure
92. Vegetable oil, food colouring and a pill - matter, and weight and mass
93. Cooked or uncooked eggs - change of state, the raw egg spins slower because it is fluid inside, the cooked egg spins faster because it solidified
94. Using a drill for something - electric energy into movement and force
95. Having an automatic garage opener - waves through the air, electricity
96. Mowing the lawn with a lawn mower - electricity into moving energy and cutting with a turning motor
97. Seeing an insect pollinating - nature science, living world
98. Tree sap squeezing out of the bark - it shows how the "blood" of the tree circulates, living world
99. A wind radar - waves through the air to detect different air pressure, wind is caused by air moving from high pressure to low pressure
100. Weather - rain, sunshine, clouds, rainbow, storms and cyclones or hurricanes caused by many different natural elements working together, earth and the living world
101. An earthquake and tsunami - earth science
102. Power lines on the sides of the roads - electricity flows
103. Microwave - electric magnetic energy
104. Watermelon and orange fall at the same speed - gravity, weight
105. Rusty nail outside on fence - iron reacts with carbon dioxide in the air
106. Meteor or a falling star - debris or trash in the sky entering earth's atmosphere
107. Sweet smelling food on the kitchen bench will attract many ants- living world
108. Half an apple turns brown because reaction with air - matter
109. Caterpillar turns into a butterfly - metamorphosis, living world
110. Snails move by relaxing and contracting their one foot muscle, they move on slippery slime - living world
111. Tadpoles turn into frogs - living world
112. Different birds have different beaks to suit their feeding habits - living world
113. Taste things (sweet, sour bitter and savoury) in different areas of your tongue - human science
114. Cold in Winter, put on layers of clothes to trap heat - earth sciences, living world, state of matter
115. Eating fish from oven, eyeball turns completely white through heat - change of state
116. Write secret messages with lemon juice and water, gets visible when paper is heated - change of state
117. Party balloon with helium gas floats, helium gas lighter than air - matter
118. Regular black tea with lemon juice gets lighter because lemon bleaches - chemical reaction, change of state
119. Blowing bubbles with dish washing liquid, water and sugar blow through straw and a bubble appears - matter                               (Air gets trapped inside soap bubble)  
120. Metal plate gets too hot to touch, Ceramics plate doesn't - matter, heat energy

This is my list so far. I'm sure there's still lots of fun and funky science going on around us. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

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