Thursday 28 May 2015

Clock Tower writing

A little girl helps the world work. She fits into a clock tower with her dress and otherwise the world will not work. She dances around and around in circles. One time she wanted to go outside to the park or to play, but something awful happens!! The world stops and turns grey. "If I touch something then it will color and turn back into life, but if I take my hand off the object then it will turn grey again." the girl whimpered. The little girl which I picture in mind is called Luciana. She would live locked up in a room if she didn't go outside.

 "I wonder if anyone in the world would want to live in a grey place that could only live in a light place if they were in a tower!" Luciana cried. All she wanted was a balloon and she couldn't get it! What a torture! A prince stood standing there in that grey place and he stood frozen to the spot and right next to him  in his hand was another hand with a beautiful ring on the fourth finger that had a wing of a butterfly on it (made of metal and diamonds). Knowing that if Luciana touched something, then it would come alive so she touched the prince for him to come alive. She told prince Oscar the II the whole entire story and asked him to help her. Oscar called his clothes maker to make special clothes that have the little circle that fits into the lock of the clock tower. After that, prince Oscar the II told Luciana to have a rest in the clock tower. "Thank you very much, but I can't go because otherwise you will be frozen to the spot again!" "Oh, well then stay here." said prince Oscar calmly. The next day...

Luciana was leading a group of servants into the clock tower to show them what to do and how to use their new clothes. The servant that wanted to go first and was so determined to go was named Jax. He twirled around and around in circles and acted like he was a ballerina. Luciana thanked Oscar as much as she could and enjoyed the rest of her life playing with children and holding balloons.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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