Monday 18 May 2015

Homework - two ads

For our homework this week we have to find two advertisements in a newspaper or magazine. We need to focus on: 1. The features of each advertisement, 2. What it's trying to get you to buy or do and think, 3. How they are alike or different and 4. which one appeals to you more and why.

1. One of my adverts is about a beer type. It has the name of it at the top and on the side it says: "taste now!" The advert also has a really big picture in the middle that covers up most of the page and there's a five line description of the product on the bottom. It still has some room at the very bottom of the page which says: TWICE AS REFRESHING.

1. My second ad is about a new energy drink. Up in the left corner there is a really big word saying NEW!!! If you didn't know who Epke Zonderland is, then you'll know now. He is the Dutch gymnast
that competes against lots and lots of other different countries. Again, he is in the middle of the page covering nearly all of it. Epke Zonderland is holding the drink that they are advertising. Around him are words saying: "maximum hydration" and "the high energy taste without sugar". It also says Epke Zonderland is supported and sponsored by AA drink. At the very bottom it has a description of four lines that have bold words to make them extra important.

2. The first ad is trying to get you to buy a different beer
2. The second ad is trying to get you to buy a new sports drink

3. Contrast: I think the first ad is different to the second ad because it is less exciting and specific than the second ad. Compare: The first ad is the same as the second ad because they both have a big picture in the middle and both of them explain more about the product in a small paragraph at the bottom.

4. The second ad appeals to me more because it looks more sporty and has more colour.
There is a good thing that the people that created the second advertisement thought of. They have Epke Zonderland in their ad. Everyone will want to have something that a star or a famous person has. Many people may believe or wish that using the product advertised will make them more like the famous person.

Bye! I hope you have enjoyed and noticed what I have learnt from advertisements!

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