Wednesday 25 November 2015

The day Giraffes had stripes and Zebras had spots

On October the 26th 2011 on Saturday, three 7 and 8 year old children went to the Buckworth animal zoo. Their names were: Charlie, Charlotte and Chrystal. They were certainly very excited. Their favourite animals there were the Giraffes and Zebras. The patterns they wore were fascinating! Spots and stripes! But the three children were silly. . . and naughty . . .

Because they adored those two animals so much they went straight through the whole zoo over to the Giraffes and Zebras. As the watched the amazing animals, Charlie started to form a ridiculous plan in his head. He led the girls to a quiet spot in between some bushes. Chrystal and Charlotte thought the plan was very cheeky and weren't sure if they should do it. But with Charlie as persuading master it wasn't long before they agreed to do it.

As Charlotte, (the oldest) went to buy some paint, Chrystal and Charlotte plotted out how to get over the animal cage. When Charlotte came back, she found them crouched down in the bushes, whispering quietly and looking up every now and then. Slowly and carefully but noisily, she tiptoed over to them. When they shared their plan with Charlotte, she agreed and they set their plan into action.

As Chrystal lowered a rope down the fence into the cage, Charlotte climbed down it and carried the paint down with her. Charlie slid down with some paint brushes. Chrystal tied the rope up and lowered herself down into the cage. Immediately, they began to put their plan into action. Chrystal climbed up a tall tree with a paintbrush and paint. She started to paint the neck of a giraffe Black and White stripy. Charlie went to paint a giraffe yellow and brown spotty. Charlotte, on the other hand, was stretching out her hands far above her head, painting long and thick lines on MR giraffes legs. After three whole hours, they completed their horrible deed.

Once they were up on the bridge above the cage, the three children were face to face with a blood boiling angry Buckworth zoo keeper. All around them were people who were very confused, angry, surprised, concerned, bewildered etc etc. Still, they stood in front of the frustrated zoo keeper. She shooed them out of the zoo pushing and shoving the children. Then she went to her desk and thought about how to get the animals back to normal. Suddenly, she had a thought. . .

Straight away, she sprinted as fast as possible over to the entrance of the zoo. Just as she had hoped, the children were panting and nervously shuffling back into the zoo. "Wait!!" panted the zoo keeper, "I have a solution for the mistake! Come to my office with me and I'll explain it." So the four of them walked together walked together hurriedly to the office. Her idea was to give each of the animals a humongous shower with the help of a tree so that all of the paint flakes would fall off and the animals would turn back to normal.

So Charlie, Chrystal and Charlotte all agreed and set the zoo keeper's plan into action. Charlie climbed up a tree and got passed the shower tube. When he got it working Charlotte and Chrystal got into their togs and started scrubbing with big squishy foam sponges. When foam sponges get wet, they start producing soap and it cleans the animal!! With every giraffe and zebra, they had to give five showers and each shower had to be twenty minutes.

When the three of them had completed their deed and turned it into a good deed (NOT LEFT THE ANIMALS LIKE THAT!) they returned to the zoo keeper. She thanked them and gave each of them a little chocolate heart. Then she let them all leave and so they did and lived happily ever after. And this is the day the giraffes had stripes and zebras had spots.

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