Wednesday 26 August 2015

Science: How Does Light Travel?

1. How fast does light travel?
A. Light travels really fast. Absolutely nothing is as fast as light.

2. How far can light travel in a second?
A. Well, I got a very fast answer. The Answer Is... 299,792 km!! In one second!!

3. What is a light year?
A. A light year is a unit of distance, not time. A light year is a way that astronomers measure distance in space. It is how far a beam of light travels in one year. A distance of six trillion miles.

4. Where can light travel?
A. Only straight. It can't turn corners.

5. Why does light travel?
A. Light is made out of bits called Photons. Each Photon is made out of a big pack of electromagnetic energy. It's made out of energy so it moves!!

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