Thursday 20 August 2015

Creative Cyber Bullying Writing

One upon a time there was a little robot called Fredsy. He adored the internet and had even created his own website!!! Fredsy could be either naughty or good. Today he said to himself that he was going to be naughty. He had already planned out a couple of bad things to do at robot school. Just saying, that the robot school I'm talking to you about is not an ordinary robot school, it's name is: Let's Respect Robots school!

At lunch time, he was just playing table tennis with his friends (and a very small and low table) and they were laughing hard. As every day goes, a girl robot called Shelly would come and sit on the cleanest bench of the school with her friends. Fredsy always became jealous because he didn't know what they were talking about. The only thing that he knew was that their names were Shelly, Bing-bong and Jo-Joe. So he let his friend win and he pretended to have a tantrum. He threw his racket straight at Shelly and she started crying. Then he quickly grabbed his camera and... Click, Snap!!

''Click and submit!'' said Fredsy. He just published a video on his youtube that had Shelly crying on it. He laughed at it and went to bed. The next day, he got called to the principles office and saw Shelly there. She looked angry and moved to the end of the couch.

Three weeks later, Fredsy and and his friends were sitting with Shelly on the cleanest bench of the school.

BFFS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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