Thursday 9 July 2015

Holiday homework - Write about a time when you were lost

Hello there! Have you ever been lost in a super market or in the city? Well, I have and I tell you that it's pretty horrible when you actually are. So on with my story.
One day, when I was six, my family and I went to Countdown. It was a nice and sunny day and we thought nothing bad could happen. When we got there I jumped out of the car and waited until my dad said we could cross the road. I was wearing my pink cherry blossom dress and my hair was neatly combed. I stood in front of the sliding doors and in just a few seconds, it opened for me and I ran in happily. My mum and dad thought it was unnecessary that I should sit in the trolley and then I knew I was a big girl. (I wasn't very tall but I still said to myself that I was). My mum slipped her hand into mine and together we started to skip. Then, my mum told me to go and get a pack of sultanas and so I ran off looking for a bag of delicious and juicy sultanas. This is a bit of a tricky job when you are so entirely small! Finally, I found them but they were much too high to reach. So I tried jumping, but as I was so small I still couldn't reach them because they were as high as the top of a very big, modern house. I went out to look for my family and walked through all of the aisles in the shop. Sadly, I couldn't find them and I became as worried as my mum probably was. Eventually, I started crying and wanted my legs to take me as fast as they could. So I told them to and they did. After a heap of running around and through the aisles, I thought that I should just give up searching. Then suddenly, I heard someone call my name! I looked through the aisle and saw my mum, dad and sister all there together with the trolley. I sprinted up to them and gave my parents a cuddle. I saw that they already had the sultanas that my mum requested me to get. After that, we went to the check out, got in the car, went home and had a nice rest.

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