Wednesday 21 October 2015

The most special of all: ME!!!!!

It's time to show our specialities!! I have heaps of specialities. Here are three of them: I play an instrument, am smart and I'm a great team player. These things make me special and awesome.

I am special because I do lots of after school activities which includes instruments. I play the piano. I love it!! Only sometimes, when I have to play for one hour I get a bit bored of it. I think I started when I was five or six. My sister influenced me because it looked like she enjoyed it so much that I thought I should probably start playing it. I haven't had an exam yet but I am doing grade three. I am planning on playing Oboe because it sounds beautiful just like the piano!!!! This makes me special.

I am awesome because I am quite smart. I love maths and whenever Miss Cooper says lets do maths, I go YAY while lots of others say EURGH!!!! I have great ideas and am good at writing. That took me a long time to enjoy though!!!! I absolutely love reading. Sometimes though, I do get a bit bored of it. I speak fluent Dutch. The reason for that is, because I was born in the Netherlands and emigrated here when I was two. I have the talent to speak about five other languages although many of them aren't fluent. This is what makes me awesome!!!

I am a lovely team player. I have a great passion for hockey and my dream is to become a hockey star in the Black Sticks. I cheer on others and am happy for them if they make an improvement or win a prize. I play: Hockey, Cricket, Judo, Swimming and do Piano although that isn't really a sport. Sometimes, I even get a really sore throat because I cheer people on so well! This is what makes me amazing!!!!!!!

Everyone is special. It doesn't always have to be a good thing, but it's true. The things that make me special are: I play instruments, I am smart and am a great team player. So, next time you do something special, think about how you are special. GOODBYE!!!!!

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