Thursday 1 October 2015

Squiggle Story - Mr Crazy Hair

One early morning, when the alarm clocks were going off and there was a hustle and bustle on the streets to get to work, Mr Hare was snoozing as loudly as anyone could ever possibly imagine. This was a pretty big problem, because Mr Brussels-Sprout (his boss) is very mean and lean. If you are even one second late he will make you work for the whole night long and the next day as well! We should all hope the best for Mr Hare and hope that he doesn't sleep too long. Mr Brussels-Sprout says that if you sleep during your work time you should get fired, and so you will.
By this time Mr Hare only had a minute to get to his work if he rushes and he also needs to wake up, have a shower, get dressed, comb hair, make bed, eat breakfast, make lunch, pack bag, grab work stuff and lock the door.

 Do you think he's going to make it? O.K. Well, then we'd better wake him up. "WAKE UP WAKE UP! YOU ARE LATE FOR WORK! YOU ARE DONE FOR!!!!! Right then and there Mr Hare woke up. He looked as tired as a person that was late for a day at his work. He was a tired, turbulent tempered, time taking, toady, typhoon who looked at his alarm clock and screamed and shouted and got up immediately. Mr Hare knew what was coming. This is what he did: Had a five second shower, got dressed, drank out of the milk carton, grabbed a spoonful of muesli and headed out the door. Actually more like sprinted out the door. Right now I think that the shower was not much use because Mr Hare was really sweat boiling at this point!!! The moment he sat on his chair he was one second early. Everyone, let out a sigh of relief. 'WHEOOWHOOEE!!!' Right.

At the end of the day when he came home, he looked in the mirror and realised that his hair had gone crazy. He tried to brush it clean and straight, but it wouldn't work. Mr Hare opened his door to the outside world to go to the hair dresser's. Only he couldn't because there was a circle of people around his house and door. They all laughed: "MR CRAZY HAIR, MR CRAZY HAIR, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
From then on, everyone called him Mr Crazy Hair.

1 comment:

  1. I usually do my hair when I arrive in the office. I can't count the number of times that the rain washed out my gel, or that the wind messed up my hair real good!
    Fortunately in the morning everyone is so sleepy, they don't notice my strange hairdo :)
    ... I hope
