Wednesday 17 June 2015

Why do flowers have colours

One day at twelve o'clock a little girl named Sophia saw that her Mum had gotten a bigger tummy. Is Mummy eating too much? Sophia wondered to herself. That day, they had chicken drumsticks and ice cream for dinner, but Sophia's Mum didn't eat at all! Maybe she wants to lose the weight that she had caught! she thought in her bed. Soon Sophia was fast asleep. ZZZ  ZZZ  ZZZ...

The next day Sophia's Mum's tummy was even bigger than the day before!!!!!!!! The thing that made it even more strange was that she was being really mysterious and Sophia was getting a bit nervous with her Mum's actions. A week later her Mum had such a big tummy that she had to go to the shop to buy more clothes that were two times the size that she used to have. Another two weeks later, Sophia's Mum told her what was happening. She was so surprised, amazed, terrified and happy at the same time that she needed to lie in bed for half an hour to calm down. It turned out that Sophia was going to get a baby sister!!! The best thing about it was that her mum was going to get it that week.

On the day, Sophia was as excited as a family would be going on a summer holiday. At 10:42 Sophia's mum was a woolly bear in her bed and quietly yelled for Sophia to call the hospital. A moment later, the ambulance came to pick them up. When they got there, Sophia got taken to a kids room with a big inside playground that had a tunnel as long as the universe. Her mum got taken down the elevator in a wheel chair. She got rolled into a room that was filled with small bright howling wolves in people's arms. In no time, Jacqueline (Mum) was laid down in a bed that was smiling at her like a star in the sky. Jacqueline was greeted by a few doctors and got given a ball to squeeze. While the baby was being born, Sophia sat heaped up in a ball on the brightly decorated seat that welcomed her when she took her first step inside. After what seemed a terrifying long journey in her Dad's house, Jacqueline was driven along the bumpy track back home. Sophia was delighted to go back to her mum's place that she woke her dad up at 6:00 o'clock in the morning even though it was Sunday. She couldn't wait till she knew what her baby sister looked like and what her name was!!!!
When she got there her mum was relaxing on the couch with a baby in her hands. Her name was Flora and she was ADORABLE!!!

A couple of years later, it was Flora's birthday. She was turning two! Everyone came to visit and everybody had brought presents for Flora and Jacqueline. Sophia's favourite aunt also brought her a present. It was a drawing pad. The front was black with a beautiful rainbow flower on it and the back had a few swirls as a border. Sophia started to draw an outline of a bear, but Flora barged in and started to colour/scribble it in. It actually worked out pretty well and so she drew a big pencil for Flora to colour in. As the two sisters happily drew together, a cake got put out and Sophia got inspiration from that to draw another thing. She drew the cake exactly how it looked and Flora
really enjoyed the peace of drawing. Her little sister looked like she was having some fun too so Sophia thought it was safe to say that she and Flora had a hobby.

On a Saturday morning, Flora bounced like a bunny into Sophia's room and said " Me draw want draw!" So Sophia went to her cupboard and grabbed her now already half full sketch pad and drew a flower in it. She handed the book to her little sister to colour in the flower. Flora had surprisingly good art skills for a toddler and neatly coloured it in the lines. Sophia was so amazed with this sight that she sprinted downstairs to tell their mum. She was busy making lunch for people coming to visit. They cut and laminated the flower. After that they got a sandpit spade and dug a little hole in the ground and planted the laminated and cut flower. That brightened their yard up a bit!!!

Finally the visitors arrived. They saw the flower and said that they would do the same thing as Flora and Sophia and Jacqueline to make their garden brighter. For lunch they had fresh baked rolls with cheese and crackers and a platter of dips and vegetables! For dessert they had Banana split. The next day the family was on the News!! Scientists interviewed them and went home at 3:21 pm. After a week of science planning the science lab got put to work. They checked all the flowers that were now either black, grey or white. The artistic scientist painted the flowers and that is why we now have colourful flowers. But mind you, let them dry before you plant or it will wash off in the rain!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a good story, Hannah. I can imagine Flora and Sophia colouring together.
