Thursday 11 June 2015

The catch

One day, in the early morning a little boy had gone fishing so that his village wouldn't starve. The little pond he had been fishing in contained only small fish and not many fish either. The little boy was called Steve and he wanted to have his village stay alive!! He was really bored and when he finally saw a tug on his rod and got excited. Steve quickly got up but was disappointed to see a tiny fish dangling on his rod. He was really annoyed and sadly put his fish in the basket he had brought for the fish. All of a sudden Steve heard a sort of snatching noise and ran over to find his catch. He saw a little orange and white fox struggling to get out of the trap that Steve had set, but for some reason he couldn't bear to kill it so instead he released the poor innocent fox. Mr fox got really mad at Steve. " I'm so sorry!" yelped Steve. Still the fox was angry and would not listen to Steve. The fox pounced, sniffed and then ran out of the bushes towards the fish. Mr fox grabbed the fish and started running away with it. Steve was so entirely shocked that he had to recover for at least five seconds before he would chase Mr fox.

Running after the fox was very tiring and Steve had to be very determined for his village to keep on going as it was becoming mid day and time for lunch. Every time Steve nearly caught Mr fox, the fox got away and he annoyed Steve terribly. Mr fox knew that he was making Steve aware that Mr fox was very smart. That was very good because that was a part of his plan. Suddenly the fox came to a halt. His plan had worked and he had reached his destination. Steve was coming closer to Mr fox so he just threw the fish into the water behind him!!!

Ten minutes later...
Steve was thankful and amazed at the same time. He didn't know what to say!!! Mr fox had made him follow for a good reason and now Steve could feed his village really well. He made a fishing rod and together they sat peacefully waiting for a fish to tug on the rod. They had caught one ginormous fish and one medium sized fish.

At night they returned to their village. Steve happily came back with food for his village at least once. He had the big fish, but no medium one  because he gave that to Mr fox for a thanks. What a day Steve had had. Sadly, when he went back the next day, the fox was nowhere to be seen. He only saw stars. Steve only had two things in remebrance of Mr fox. The lake and the knife to cut Mr fox free.


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